Elena Rowland Elena Rowland

A Flannel Project Update from El

Here is the lowdown on what’s been happening at The Flannel Project Lately

Jade (CFMEU), Lisa & El, Marty (Phoenix Rising)

"Wear a Flan 4 Shan Recap"

Thanks to you all, our "Wear a Flan 4 Shan" event was an amazing success! It was a heartwarming gathering where we honored the memory of Shan; she would have loved to see us all there. Through our efforts, we managed to raise over $5,000 for Courtney and Han's trauma therapy sessions, which covers a full year of therapy. We had 200 participants, both in person and virtually, joining us. Ness, Shan's mum, along with Lynette, Sue, Courtney, and Han's mum, extend their heartfelt gratitude to you all for creating such a memorable day. Mark your calendars for our next "Wear a Flan 4 Shan" event in 2025, on Saturday, June 21st.

The Flannel Project Attains Official Not-for-Profit Status!

A round of applause! The Flannel Project has achieved official not-for-profit status and is on its way to becoming a charity. Alongside Lisa Riley and James Marriott, I am proud to serve as one of the directors. We are humbled by this opportunity and are committed to making a difference. Each of us brings a unique contribution to the Flannel Project. Remember, this is your community and charity, and we are here to shape it according to our needs and support.

Lisa, James & El

Website Launch and Wellness Blog

Great news - our website is up and running! I'll be sharing mental health blogs every two weeks, along with an animated version for visual learners like me. Several blogs are already available for you to explore here

Flannel Walking Group:

Lisa and I are thrilled to announce that we will kick off a weekly outdoor walking and support group in the coming month. Our goal is to foster a close-knit community that enjoys outdoor walks and mutual support. These walks will be every Tuesday after work followed by trivia at Hotel West End. Oh, and for those not in Brisbane, we extend a warm invitation to join our virtual walking family.

Signup for free here

Collaboration with "Paws of Hope" Charity Focused on Service Dogs

The Flannel Project recognizes the essential role that service dogs play in our mental health journeys, offering emotional support and enhancing our mental well-being. We are currently in discussions with Paws of Hope to establish a partnership. Shan had a deep affection for her dog Flannel, and I firmly believe that my dog Bear played and plays a significant role in my mental health recovery journey. Dogs truly bring happiness and purpose to our lives. As we finalize our collaboration with Paws of Hope, The Flannel Project is committed to incorporating therapy dogs into our mission of prevention and intervention. Stay tuned for updates on how we will integrate dogs into our healing efforts and how you can participate. ♡♡♡

Bill (left) and Bob (right) from Paws of Hope with their service dogs Raven and Tiba

Murri Assistance Program:

We have another very special upcoming project assisting Steve, a Murri community worker from the Mununjali. Wangeeraburra, Birri Gubba, Gungalu Mob. Steve is part of a working group that runs mental health and addiction yarns up at the Dutton Park community shed. To back his initiative, we are organizing monthly fundraising BBQs at the shed near the river. The objective is to collect funds to buy a large freezer and four microwaves for the shed, enabling Steve to provide meals to the Murri community members facing addiction challenges. For just $5, attendees can enjoy a simple BBQ meal, a beverage, and participate in cultural yarns with Steve. I firmly believe that it is essential to support Steve in his dedication to helping his community tackle addiction issues, as this will greatly enhance their mental health and sense of community. This aligns perfectly with The Flannel Project's mission. Steve, who led the Acknowledgment to Country at our recent event, is a caring individual, and I am certain that you all would be enthusiastic about supporting him and his community. Stay tuned for updates on the monthly BBQ gatherings. Your presence and support would be greatly appreciated. For more information and to sign up click here

New “Flannel Connect” Facebook Group:

I’ve recently started a Facebook group called Flannel Connect, a space where we can come together to provide mutual support and share our stories of our challenges bur also our victories. The main aim of the group is to create a community where we can offer support, share wisdom, and give advice to one another, fostering unity and brightening our individual paths. Support plays a crucial role in our mental health journeys, as I've learned from personal experience that without it, true healing is challenging. I'll be actively participating in the group, sharing insights, showing love, and being there for each and every one of you with everything I got.

Join our Volunteer Team:

If you're keen on getting involved and offering your time, we view joining our volunteer group as an incredibly generous and kind gesture that deserves admiration. I strongly believe in the power of teamwork, understanding that without committed individuals like yourself, the team would not succeed. If you're interested in taking part in our initiatives, please get in touch, and I will include you in our volunteer team WhatsApp page. We are creating fantastic programs for all to join, with the goal of making a lasting impact together. Your involvement is crucial for progress, and we truly appreciate your assistance. Thank you in advance.

To be a part of our community, click here


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