Survivors of Suicide (SOS)

Flannel Card

Support for Veteran Survivors of Suicide

Who is a survivor of suicide?

A Survivor of Suicide refers to someone who has lost a loved one to suicide. These individuals, whether family members, close friends, or witnesses, are deeply affected by the loss and often experience complex grief, trauma, and emotional challenges. For veteran survivors of suicide, the impact can be even more profound, as they grapple with both the personal loss and the unique stresses related to military service. These survivors may feel isolated, overwhelmed, or unsure of where to turn for support during their healing journey. The Flannel Project is committed to helping them navigate this difficult process.

The Flannel Project provides vital, compassionate support for veteran survivors of suicide. We understand the unique challenges of grief in the aftermath of a veteran's suicide.

The SOS Flannel Card provides vital practical assistance and compassionate emotional support during the critical first four weeks after a loss, offering help when survivors need it most

Why Support Veteran Survivors of Suicide?

Research shows that for every life lost to suicide, 135 people are directly affected. Since 1997, this means over 216,000 individuals have experienced the profound and heart-breaking impact of veteran suicide.

The impact of veteran suicide is far-reaching, touching the lives of families, friends, and communities.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, from 1997 to 2020, over 1,600 Australian Defence Force members took their own lives. This statistic represents more than just numbers—it is a painful reminder of the individual lives lost, each leaving behind a network of loved ones who struggle with overwhelming grief and unanswered questions.

The Flannel Project is dedicated to addressing the needs of these survivors, who are often left to cope with the emotional, psychological, and practical challenges that follow.

The SOS Flannel Card ensures veteran survivors receive timely, personalized support to begin healing.

The SOS Flannel Card focuses on three essential pillars of grief to support survivors of suicide:


Grief often leaves survivors feeling a loss of control. The SOS Flannel Card restores empowerment by offering personalized choices for essential services, such as GP visits, therapy, and help with daily tasks.


Building a strong support network is key to healing. The card links survivors with vital services like counseling and group therapy, fostering a community that provides strength and understanding.


Open communication is crucial for recovery. The card bridges the gap between survivors and support systems, encouraging honest dialogue to aid in the healing process.

What Does the SOS Flannel Card Provide?

Personalized Support: The Card empowers survivors with a range of service options tailored to their needs. Whether it's scheduling GP visits, accessing therapy sessions, receiving help with daily tasks, or managing household chores, the card ensures that individuals can select the services that best support their well-being during this challenging time.

Community Connection: The card links survivors with essential support systems, including call-back services, counselling, and group therapy opportunities. It fosters a sense of community by connecting individuals with empathetic professionals and peers who can offer guidance, understanding, and emotional support.

Enhanced Communication: Facilitating open and honest dialogue, the Card bridges the gap between survivors and available support services. It encourages meaningful conversations and provides a pathway for individuals to express their feelings, seek advice, and find solace in knowing they are not alone on their journey to healing.

The SOS Card is more than just a resource; it's a symbol of hope and resilience. Created with the unique needs of suicide survivors in mind, it embodies our commitment to easing the grieving process and empowering individuals to navigate their path to recovery. The Card is a crucial tool in helping survivors find strength and solace during their most difficult times.

How to Access the SOS Flannel Card

For Someone Else

If you know someone impacted by suicide, please fill out the form below to refer them for support.

For Yourself

If you're a survivor of suicide looking for assistance, please fill out and submit the form below to access the SOS Flannel Card.

Sponsor a Survivor

If you would like to provide critical support to a Survivor of Suicide, please contact for more information.

Next Steps:

Upon qualification for the SOS Flannel Card, the veteran survivor of suicide will promptly receive a digital card containing a unique case number, along with a comprehensive outline of the support services and resources available to them. Each case is unique, and our team ensures that the assistance provided is tailored to meet the specific needs and circumstances of the individual. Our goal is to offer personalized support that addresses the diverse challenges faced by veteran survivors of suicide.

Continuing Support Beyond the SOS Card

At The Flannel Project, our commitment to supporting veteran survivors of suicide extends far beyond the initial use of the SOS Card. We firmly believe in the transformative power of the Three C's and actively encourage SOS recipients to participate in our ongoing support groups and events, whether in-person or online. These platforms serve as crucial touchpoints for us to connect with them, providing a space for them to openly share their healing progress.

Furthermore, the SOS have the opportunity to volunteer with The Flannel Project, channeling their pain into a profound sense of purpose and creating a lasting impact on both themselves and others. Together, we strive to turn their healing journey into a path of empowerment and connection, fostering a supportive community dedicated to growth and well-being.

Call the Ambulance or Police on 000.
If you or someone you know needs immediate support please call Lifeline on 13 11 14, Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, QLife on 1800 184 527 or on 13 92 76