The Flannel Flower (Talara'tingi) is a delicate yet hardy Australian native wildflower. It is also the chosen symbol for mental health awareness. Flannel Flowers are resilient, adaptable and strong, and grow and thrive even in the most challenging of circumstances. They survive wildfire and frost and emerge stronger and more beautiful than ever before.

The gentle beauty and soft texture of the Flannel Flower are thought to evoke feelings of calmness, serenity, and reassurance. In Indigenous Australian cultures, native plants like the Flannel Flower are valued for their healing properties and spiritual significance. The Flannel Flower's presence in the natural landscape can serve as a reminder to connect with nature, find inner peace, and seek solace in times of emotional distress.

In the context of mental health and well-being, the Flannel Flower can symbolize the importance of self-care, resilience, and seeking support during difficult times. Its delicate appearance belies a strength and endurance that can inspire individuals to nurture their own mental health and cultivate a sense of balance and tranquility amidst life's challenges.

By embracing the symbolism of the Flannel Flower in Australia, individuals can draw upon its inherent qualities of comfort and healing to promote mental well-being, foster emotional resilience, and cultivate a sense of inner peace in their journey toward holistic health.

Nurturing a Flannel Flower:

A metaphor for nurturing your mental health

Just as growing a Flannel Flower takes time, care, and the right conditions, so does cultivating good mental health. Every positive thought, action, and self-care practice acts as a seed planted in the garden of your mind. With consistent nurturing, these seeds can blossom into resilience, strength, and well-being.

Your Journey to Growth


Your Journey to Growth *

1. Planting the Flannel Seed – Self-Awareness

When you plant a Flannel seed in fertile soil, you create the foundation for growth. In the same way, self-awareness is the first step toward nurturing your mental health. Take time to reflect on your emotions, thoughts, and actions. Understanding yourself allows you to lay the groundwork for personal growth.

2. Watering and Nourishing – Self-Care

Just as a Flannel seed needs water, sunlight, and nutrients, your mental health thrives on regular self-care. Make time for activities that replenish you—exercise, healthy eating, sleep, and relaxation. Treat yourself with kindness, the way you would tend to a growing plant.

3. Patience and Resilience – Mental Strength

As the Flannel seed grows, it faces challenges like drought or cold. Similarly, building mental strength takes patience. Life’s setbacks are opportunities for resilience, so remember that even in hard times, growth is happening beneath the surface.

4. Pruning and Weeding – Letting Go

To help a Flannel Flower flourish, we must prune away dead leaves and remove weeds. For mental health, this means letting go of toxic relationships, negative thoughts, or unhelpful habits. By releasing what no longer serves you, you make space for new growth.

5. Flowering – Growth and Transformation

As the Flannel plant matures, it blooms into a beautiful flower, symbolizing growth. Similarly, when you tend to your mental health, you bloom into the best version of yourself. Celebrate your progress and transformations, knowing each step nurtures your well-being.

Just as a seed grows into a flower with care and attention, investing in your mental health can lead to personal growth, resilience, and peace. Tend to your inner garden every day, and watch yourself blossom into the strongest, most vibrant version of yourself. Always remember—you are worthy of love, care, and growth.

Flannel Flower: A Symbol of Growth and Mental Well-being

How to Plant and Grow a Flannel Flower from Seeds:

  1. Prepare the Soil: Sprinkle the Flannel Flower seeds over the soil and press them down firmly, ensuring the seeds make good contact.

  2. Provide Light and Warmth: Keep the area moist and warm, at around 20 degrees Celsius or higher, as the seeds require light for germination.

  3. Germination: With the right conditions, your seeds will begin to sprout within 3-6 weeks. Patience is key during this time!

    To learn how to grow a Flannel Flower, click here and watch our step-by-step guide.

If you'd like to receive some Flannel Flower seeds to plant and nurture, please email us at

Donations are appreciated to help support our cause.

In a meadow of dreams, where the sunbeams play,
A friend transformed in a wondrous way.
Once a soul so dear, now free and wild,
A flannel flower blooming, nature’s child.

Amongst the whispering leaves and the gentle breeze,
Your spirit dances with effortless ease.
Petals of hope in the morning light,
A symbol of beauty that shines so bright.

In the fields of memories, your laughter rings,
A melody of joy, a song that sings.
The flannel flower, in vibrant bloom,
A reminder of love that triumphs gloom.

Your presence lingers in the fragrant air,
A touch of magic, beyond compare.
Embraced by nature, in colours so true,
In the wild flannel flower, we see you.

Your essence lives on in hearts so dear,
In every smile, in every tear.
Rest now, dear friend, in nature’s embrace,
As a wild flannel flower, spreading grace.
— Elena Rowland