5 Tips For Navigating Grief

Losing a friend to suicide is tough. It hits you hard, and it's totally okay to feel all sorts of emotions about it. We're here today to talk about Shannen, our friend who left us too soon. Even though she's not physically here, her spirit and all the good times we had with her will always stay with us. Let's dive into how we can deal with the pain of losing Shannen and find our way through this difficult time with love, understanding, and healing

1. Feel your feelings: Grief is a messy mix of emotions. It's okay to feel shocked, angry, guilty, sad, or whatever else comes up. Don't bottle it up – talk to someone you trust or consider seeking help if you need it.

2. Cherish Shannen's memory: Let's remember Shannen for all the awesome things she brought into our lives. Think about her kindness, laughter, and the impact she made on you. Maybe create a tribute or do something special in her honor to keep her memory alive.

3. Lean on your support system: Dealing with this kind of loss can make you feel really alone, but you're not. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who can offer comfort and a listening ear. Connecting with others who knew Shannen can help you feel less alone in your grief.

4. Take care of yourself: It's super important to look after yourself during this tough time. Do things that make you feel good, whether it's writing in a journal, going for a run, meditating, or just spending time outside. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself as you work through your grief.

5. Honor Shannen's legacy: Let's find ways to honor Shannen and raise awareness about mental health and suicide prevention in her memory. Get involved in The Flannel Projects events, volunteer with us or share your story to help others who might be struggling too.

Losing a friend like Shannen to suicide is a heavy load to carry, but it's also a chance for us to heal, grow, and come together. Let's keep Shannen's memory close to our hearts, remember it's okay to not have all the answers, reach out for support when we need it, and hold onto the good times we shared with her. Shannen will always be a bright light in our lives, guiding us toward healing and hope.

El x


Comfort In Flannel