Make a donation

At The Flannel Project, we are committed to providing compassionate, practical support to those left behind after a veteran suicide. The grief experienced by survivors is profound and complex, and we believe that no one should have to navigate it alone.

Your donation helps us provide essential services through our SOS Flannel Card, which offers emotional care, practical assistance, and a sense of community to veteran survivors of suicide. This vital support helps families and friends during the critical first weeks following their loss, providing resources like counseling, healthcare, and other daily assistance to ease their burden.

How Your Donation Makes an Impact

Every contribution, no matter the size, directly supports veteran survivors of suicide by:

  • Covering mental health services such as grief counseling

  • Funding practical assistance like grocery vouchers and errand services

  • Offering emotional care through support groups and check-ins

  • Ensuring survivors feel connected and not alone in their grief

Ways to Give

  • One-Time Donation: Your gift can make an immediate difference.

  • Monthly Donation: Become a sustaining donor and provide ongoing support to survivors.

  • Sponsor an SOS Flannel Card: Fully fund an SOS Flannel Card for a veteran survivor and offer them critical support in their time of need.

Donate Today and Help Us Break the Silence By donating to The Flannel Project, you are helping us break down barriers, reduce stigma, and provide veteran survivors of suicide the tools and support they need to heal. Your generosity honors the sacrifices of both veterans and their families, ensuring that no survivor is left behind.


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